Somatic Sexological Bodywork Brisbane

SOMATIC SEXOLOGICAL BODYWORK BRISBANE with NEO Tantra Professional Practitioner  Aleena Aspley. Do TEXT to book an appointment.

Somatic Sexological Bodywork BrisbaneHello, my name is Aleena Aspley. I am passionate about educating and supporting, men, women and couples of all genders, to overcome their lifelong sexual issues that may hold them back from sensational and exquisite sex. Great sex is every adult’s birthright, it is part of feeling really alive.

It is my desire to re-educate and promote positive sexuality. There is nothing I love more than facilitating space for singles and couples to embrace their sexual magnificence and create nourishing lives imbued with satisfaction and heartfelt meaning. It is now the time for us to passionately embrace our luscious sexual juiciness and transform our daily lives by consciously connecting to ourselves and others.

I avidly promote sacred sexuality with loving touch, sexual health and wellness and of course safe sex practices.

I am available for one on one, individual, couples and group workshops, for people of all genders.  My relaxation studio is located in North Brisbane, roughly 13 km’s north of the Brisbane CBD. 




  • Certified Somatic Sexologist (Sexological Bodyworker) USA Certificate 2010
  • Over 18 years experience relaxing people of all Genders
  • Owner of Kinkassage® – Sensual Adventurous & Erotic Adult Massage
  • Owner of ChakraAssage – Kundalini Awakening Bodywork
  • Owner of Yoni Whisperer Bodywork – Professional Training
  • Owner of Lingam Whisperer Bodywork – Professional Training
  • Male Multiples Mastery Luminous Energy Orgasms Ejaculation Optional
  • Female Multiples Makeover Luminous Energy Orgasms Squirting Welcome
  • Orgasmic Mastery 101 One-On-One Couples Personalized Workshops
  • Kinesiology (Neural Organisational Therapy 1,2 &3) Trevor Savage 2019
  • Past Life Regression Hypnosis Therapy with Tony Collins 2018
  • Hypnosis Tad James July 2018
  • Tibetian Reiki Gavin van Vuuren November 2017
  • Unleash Your Pleasure Power with Eyal Matsliah July 2017
  • Awakening Female Pleasure Workshop with Eyal Matsliah July 2017
  • Access Consciousness “The Bars” April 2017
  • Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage with Sarina Stone 2016
  • Radical Wholeness Course with Philip Shepherd 2016
  • Crystal Awakening Foundation Course with Rachelle Charman 2015
  • Crystal Awakening Intermediate Course with Rachelle Charman 2015
  • Energy Healing 7 Day Personalized Intensive with Jason Hairston 2015
  • Shamanic Quodoushka Q1 & Q2 Graduate, March 2014
  • Certified Doreen Virtue Angel Card Intuitive 2013
  • Urban Tantra Professional Training with Barbara Carrelas 2012
  • Certificate in Lomi Lomi Hawaiian relaxation 2011
  • Certified Bondassage Practitioner 2011
  • Shamanic Training with Kenneth Ray Stubbs 2011
  • Dakini Course with Triambica 2011 USA
  • Andrew Barnes-Awakening Within Institute– Energy Orgasms 2011
  • Sexological Bodyworker Certificate 2010
  • Certified Reiki 1&2 2010
  • Certified Theta Healer 2010
  • Certified ENAR Practitioner 2005
  • Certified Reflexology Certificate 1996
  • Lifeline Telephone Befriender 1996
  • Les Mills PUMP Instructor Training 1995
  • Certificate in Human movement as a Fitness Trainer 1988

Somatic Sexological Bodywork Brisbane


Somatic Sexological Bodywork Brisbane

Ms. Aleena Aspley
North Brisbane Queensland Australia
TEXT my mobile phone: 0404 449 433

My Main Website:




I am a certified practitioner in the field of Somatic Sexology, specializing in Sexological Bodywork. I also hold expertise as a professional coach focusing on NEO Tantra, intimacy, and relationships.

My extensive knowledge encompasses a wide array of NEO Tantric, Taoist, and Shamanic bodywork techniques. I operate a discreet and welcoming studio in North Brisbane, where your privacy is highly respected. It would be my privilege to meet you in person and discuss your aspirations for boosting your sexual confidence.

As a mature and positive individual, I am known for my approachability and genuine passion for my role as a somatic sex educator and a coach specializing in NEO Tantric relationships and intimacy.

I offer private coaching sessions for both individuals and couples, irrespective of their gender or sexual orientation.

In October 2010, I completed training as a Somatic Sexologist (Sexological Bodyworker) under the guidance of Joseph Kramer, Ellen Heed, and Deej Juventin at The New School of Erotic Touch in California, USA.

Sexological Bodywork serves as a form of somatic sex education, aiding individuals, couples, and groups of all genders in deepening their connection to their bodies. The term “somatic” is derived from the Greek word “somatikos,” signifying a living awareness of the body. Somatics underscores the interconnectedness of the body and mind within a living, ongoing process.

Furthermore, I underwent significant Tantra training with Barbara Carrelas during the “Urban Tantra Professional Practitioner Course” in October 2012.





Certified Sexological Bodyworkers are qualified somatic sexologists who have received certification authorized by the State of California. Our expertise lies in providing experiential learning opportunities that intentionally tap into deep states of ecstasy and eroticism. Our educational approach encompasses a range of instructional methods, such as breathwork, attentive listening, genital de-armoring, pelvic release bodywork, trauma release, scar tissue remediation, and coaching in Orgasmic Yoga.

What is a Sexological Bodyworker Click Here.


Somatic Sexological Bodywork Brisbane


The New School of Erotic Touch

Aleena Aspley